Description A drunk man has been jailed after he robbed a 14-year-old boy of £10 and groped a 14-year-old schoolgirl. Dean Hughes approached the schoolboy as he was about to enter a shop in Colchester at 1.30pm on May 21 last year and asked him for £5, Ipswich Crown Court heard. He then took hold of the boy’s wrist and took the £10 note after prising his fingers open. When he was arrested later in the afternoon, he had a sandwich and £8 change and appeared to be drunk. Shortly after the robbery, Hughes walked past a 14-year-old schoolgirl, who was with her younger sister, and grabbed her bottom and squeezed it. Hughes, 40, of Six Bells Court, Braintree, admitted robbery and sexual assault and in addition to being jailed he was ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for seven years. Nicola May for Hughes said he was horrified when he saw CCTV of him sexually assaulting the schoolgirl. She said her client had been homeless and had turned to drink at the time of the offences after his relationship had ended. At court Hughes was jailed for 17 months.