June 2007 Assault leads to sex confessions A man contacted police to tell them he had been assaulted – then admitted having had sex with young girls, a court has heard. Scott Hanlon, 19, from Stirling, was working at a hotel in Aviemore in November 2006 when he was attacked. He told police the youths who attacked him had called him a paedophile. At the High Court in Edinburgh, Hanlon admitted having sex with two underage girls and committing indecent acts with two others. Advocate depute Neil Beardmore, prosecuting, told the court: “This case evolved in unusual circumstances.” He said that as Hanlon talked with officers, he began telling them about his relationships with young girls and the things he had done with them. Although local youth workers had heard rumours, no girls had come forward. Mr Beardmore said: “It was after the accused made these admissions, naming the victims, that police and social workers then carried out joint investigative interviews with them.” The court heard that two of the offences, involving girls aged 12 and 14, took place in Stirling. He later moved north and had sex with a 12-year-old girl in Aviemore, where he was working in a hotel. When rumours started to circulate about Hanlon’s activities, he was set upon by a group of youths. His attackers found footage of the girl on Hanlon’s mobile phone and smashed it. Age difference When police questioned him, Hanlon said he knew the girl’s age and that it was a criminal offence. Mr Beardmore said: “He was asked if they had ever discussed the age difference and the accused said it was a turn-on for both of them.” The court was also told of Hanlon’s relationship with a 15-year-old girl, who he met at a party. Judge Lord Wheatley called for background reports and allowed Hanlon to remain on bail, pending sentence in Aberdeen next month. The bail order forbids Hanlon being alone with young girls and his name has been added to the sex offenders’ register.