April 2003 Porn teachers ‘should be banned for life’ A LEEDS judge has criticised the law for tying his hands and preventing him from banning two child porn pervert teachers from working with youngsters in the future. Last week Judge Ian Dobkin sentenced Richard Briggs, 42, of Shipley to nine months in jail and disqualified him from working with children. But yesterday, after another teacher 42-year-old Gordon Crompton, of Huddersfield, was jailed for nine months for child porn offences, Judge Dobkin admitted he made a mistake and confirmed he was unable to ban either man from working with children. Richard Briggs, 42, of Cliffe Terrace, Shipley, pleaded guilty to 20 example charges of possessing indecent photographs of a child. One of the disturbing movie clips among the catalogue of 850 images found at the Baildon home he formerly shared with his partner and her children, showed a baby aged between one and six months being abused. The court heard how he had not entered the website by accident, and had to pay to view the images and repeatedly click on his computer keyboardto access the child porn. Briggs, who lost his job as a teacher after he was arrested on November 20 last year, was disqualified by Judge Dobkin from ever working with children again. But yesterday the judge admitted that he had made a mistake and under present legislation he could not stop either man working with children in the future because the sentence he passed was less than 12 months. Gordon Crompton was jailed for nine months for having 1,600 sickening images of which all but 100 involved children under 16, Leeds Crown Court heard. The former English teacher at Almondbury High School in Huddersfield had movie clips and stills at his home in Causeway Side, Linthwaite, Huddersfield last November. Both men were ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years.