September 2016 Pervert told to stay away from schoolgirl AN ‘infatuated’ pensioner pestered a 15-year-old schoolgirl in Malvern, watching her from his balcony as she walked to school and even blowing kisses at her during a theatre performance. Allan Morgan, who is 67, of Worcester Road, Malvern admitted harassment without violence against the schoolgirl who cannot be identified for legal reasons when he appeared before magistrates in Worcester on Thursday. Morgan had harassed the girl for more than a year, between July 1 last year and August 7 this year. Adrian Jones, prosecuting, described it as ‘an unusual case’ as the defendant was 67 and the complainant was a child who lived with her parents. Mr Jones said during one incident Morgan approached her as she walked towards the bus stop in Malvern’s Worcester Road. He said: “The defendant approached her and started talking to her. She did not know who he was. She thought it was going to be a routine conversation. “He was asking her about school. He said ‘I would like to get to know you better but your mum has a tight rein on you’. “She told her mum something weird had just happened and she told her not to speak to the person again.” The girl’s father also approached Morgan and told him it was ‘inappropriate’ for him to be having such a conversation with a 15-year-old. Morgan replied: “She’s only 15? She’s mature for her age. I thought she was 16.” The father asked what difference it made whether she was 15 or 16 and Morgan said: “If she was 16 she would have been legal.” The father made it clear that Morgan was not speak to her again and to leave her alone. Mr Jones said the girl began to notice Morgan’s car parked on the road when she went to school and believed that he was ‘looking out for her, trying to see her’. She would notice him turn his head as she walked past to ‘get a good look at her’. The experience left her feeling ‘intimidated’ the court was told. During one incident he even left a sign on his balcony which said ‘tickets?’ which she could see if she walked past, a reference to a show she was performing in. Later he attended the performance sitting near her family who observed his behaviour was ‘over the top’ and included ‘clapping, cheering and blowing kisses’. He even put his arms out as if about to hug her which led her to back away from him. In police interview Morgan said when he spoke to her father and used the phrase ‘legal’ he only meant ‘legally competent’ and described the girl as ‘a talented kid’ and said he wanted to be her friend. He claimed he did not go out of his way to look for her but that it was ‘nice to see her in the morning on her way to school’. He also told them it was clear she was a dancer from the way she walked. Mr Jones said: “When asked if he was infatuated with her he said he possibly was.” Blaise Shervington, defending, said there were no threats of violence and that much of the harassment took place from a distance. Morgan was made subject to a community order for 36 months to include 40 days of rehabilitation activity requirements and 25 days on an accredited programme. Morgan was also made subject to a restraining order until further order which prevents him having contact with the girl. He was further ordered to pay £135 costs and a £60 victim surcharge.