November 2014 Council worker had 25,000 indecent images of children on laptop A council worker arrested over a haul of more than 25,000 indecent images of children asked police if he was going to be in the papers. When Kristoffer Thorbjonsen was detained by officers he first said “my life is over” – then claimed the images, which featured children as young as five was “not that bad”. Thorbjornsen, who worked for Fife Council as a road technician, had previously posed for council PR pictures promoting the authority taking over traffic warden duties in the area. Now the 31-year-old, of Kirkcaldy, faces a prison sentence after admitting two charges at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court. Fiscal depute Beverly Adam told the court: “Police received intelligence that a device registered at the locus had accessed indecent images of children. “A search warrant was obtained and executed. The accused and his wife were at home when the search warrant was executed. “He looked at a laptop and began to speak and was informed he was under caution. He said it was ‘not my wife – my life is over’. He was detained. “Whilst en route to the police office he asked about potential court appearances and media interest. He said ‘it’s not that bad’. “The laptop was examined and a total of 25,201 indecent images of children were found. “They showed girls aged between five and 14 years old. There were also a total of 46 videos found.” Thorbjornsen pleaded guilty on indictment to charges of downloading and possessing indecent images of children between July 13, 2013 and March 18, 2014 at his home address. Sheriff Alistair Thornton deferred sentence until December for social work background reports and released him on bail in the meantime.