April 2017 Mum reported her own paedophile son to cops A horrified mother gave up her own son to the police after finding sexually explicit messages he had sent to underage girls on her phone. Elaine Kingston’s son Stephen Trinder, 22, had been talking to five girls – the youngest of whom was 13 – while staying with her over Christmas. Ms Kingston, of Oxford, only found out after a message popped up on her screen from one of the victims that read ‘I’ll f***** kill you, leave her alone, she’s only 14’. She then unearthed a drove of ‘explicit, sexual’ messages chatting to girls and asking them their age and alerted Thames Valley Police, Oxford Crown Court heard. He sent the texts between October 25 2016 and January 3 this year. Jailing him for 12 months, Judge Maria Lamb said his mum should be ‘commended’ for her actions, adding it was something no mother would want to do. ‘She acted to safeguard others’ added the judge. Trinder said he was ‘really angry’ with his mother at first, but now he fully understood how she felt. Prosecutor Merril Hughes said Trinder had gone to stay with his mother over the Christmas period for six days. ‘He used his mother’s phone and when he left her address, a message popped up on her phone when she was accessing Facebook.’ Ms Hughes said the message said words to the effect of ‘I’ll f****** kill you, leave her alone, she’s only 14. She added ‘His mother found a list of message conversations to females. She realised they were from her son’s Facebook account on reading them.’ Ms Hughes said Trinder, aged 21 at the time, had asked intimate questions and sent messages of a sexual nature. ‘His mother was shocked by what she saw and she contacted the police and handed over her phone them.’ Trinder was then arrested and two of his own phones were seized. He told police he didn’t have ‘anything with underage girls’ on his phone and claimed he sent some messages ‘while stoned’. He pleaded guilty to six counts of attempting to incite a child in sexual activity and will be subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years. The judge said ‘You have got a problem and you need help. This sort of behaviour is very serious.’