April 2012 83-year-old predator Ronald Temple back behind bars PREDATOR Ronald Temple is back behind bars at the age of 83 for a terrifying series of attacks on children. The serial offender, who has been in and out of prison since 1969 for sexual offences against boys and girls, was branded an ongoing danger to children. The great-grandad is beginning a jail sentence of six years and six months for molesting a Tyneside schoolboy he lured to his home. As Temple learned his fate before Newcastle Crown court, chilling details of his sinister past were brought back to the surface. The twice-married widower had been locked up in 1969 for indecently assaulting a young boy. Then in 1981 he was behind bars again for a terrifying attack on a 14-year-old girl he had already seduced. Penny Moreland, prosecuting, said “The defendant had been charged with sexual offences in respect of the girl who was in care. “He went to Sheffield where she had been moved, argued with her, and pulled a scarf around her neck which caused her to lose consciousness and burst blood vessels in her eyes, forehead and over her face.” Temple then sexually assaulted his victim. Temple, of Bavington Drive, Fenham, Newcastle, served a seven-year sentence, remarried, and seemed reformed. But he began to hunt out under age boys after his second wife died, the court heard. He targeted his 15-year-old victim after giving him cash and gifts. And despite his failing health, walking stick-using Temple was able to launch three separate sex assaults against him only six months ago, the court was told. Passing sentence, Judge Brian Forster said “This is a very serious case in respect of the effect on the victim who describes his life being shattered. “The probation officer’s report reads as follows: Mr Temple is currently assessed as posing a high risk of harm to children.” Temple, who followed the proceedings using the court’s hearing-loop system and had to be helped slowly to his feet in the dock by a guard, admitted three charges of sexual assault. He was given an indefinite Sexual Offences Prevention Order to keep him away from children. He was also disqualified from working in any capacity with under-16s. Tom Moran, defending, said Temple’s health had deteriorated since his arrest. Mr Moran said “He is at the mercy of the court whether or not his age and infirmity is such that the court can take an exceptional course as a direct alternative to custody.” He urged a sentence in the community instead of prison. But Judge Forster rejected that plea. He told Temple “I have regard to what you did, to the considerable impact of your offending on this young victim, to your previous convictions and to the assessment of ongoing risk. April 2012 A PENSIONER locked up 31 years ago for sexually assaulting a young girl in Sheffield has been jailed at the age of 83 – for a terrifying series of attacks on children. Ronald Temple was jailed for seven years in 1981 for attacking the 14-year-old girl. After being released from prison, he remarried and appeared to have reformed. However, after the death of his second wife, the paedophile began to hunt down underage boys and his offending began once more. In the latest case at Newcastle Crown Court, Temple, who has been in and out of prison since 1969 for sexual offences against boys and girls, was branded a danger to children. The great-grandfather is beginning a six-and-a-half-year jail term for molesting a Tyneside schoolboy. Speaking about the Sheffield offence, Penny Moreland, prosecuting, said: “Temple had been charged with sexual offences in respect of the girl who was in care. “He went to Sheffield where she had been moved, argued with her and pulled a scarf around her neck which caused her to lose consciousness.” Temple then sexually assaulted his victim. The court heard the twice-married widower was first locked up in 1969 for indecently assaulting a young boy. He was jailed again in 1981, for the Sheffield attack. The court heard, after the death of his second wife, he began to seek out underage boys. He targeted his 15-year-old victim after giving him cash and gifts. And despite his failing health, Temple, who uses a walking stick, sexually assaulted him. Temple admitted three counts of sexual assault. Sentencing, Judge Brian Forster said: “This is a serious case in respect of the effect on the victim who describes his life as being shattered. “Temple is currently assessed as posing a high risk of harm to children.” Temple, of Bavington Drive, Fenham, Newcastle, followed the proceedings using the court’s hearing-loop system.