May 2013 Prison sentence for paedophile burglar A CONVICTED paedophile who broke into the Dorking home of his young victim to leave ‘explicit’ messages in her bedroom has been jailed. Matthew Hall, 25, of Greenway, Redhill, forced his way into the house at 1.10am on March 30 and helped himself to family possessions worth thousands of pounds, less than two years after having sexually assaulted the girl in a Dorking alleyway. He spent six and a half hours in the house, during which he also located the girl’s bedroom and removed photographs of her from frames before writing sexual messages on them and leaving them on her bed. At Guildford Crown Court on Friday last week he was sentenced to four years for the burglary, plus an additional six months for breaching the sexual offences order imposed on him after the sexual assault in June 2011, which demanded he notify police of his change of address and not to attempt to contact the victim. It related to him approaching and groping the girl while she was out walking the family dog close to her home. He initially denied sexual assault, but changed his plea to guilty before the trial began. He claimed he could not remember what had happened, having been out drinking and taking drugs the night before. Despite the court orders and rehabilitation courses imposed on him, he committed the burglary just 19 months later. The family returned home to find the intruder alarm had been activated and antiques and valuables worth a total of £29,500 missing. Most of these were recovered, however a wedding ring belonging to the father was never found. The case was described as ‘extremely unusual and deeply troubling’ by Dennis Cavanagh, prosecuting. Judge Suzan Matthews said: “It takes little or no imagination to understand how this family must feel as a result of your actions.” Martha Walsh, defending, had argued that Hall broke into the house after passing it by chance, and that it was an impulse decision motivated by a feeling the family had wronged him. Judge Matthews said: “I find this account impossible to accept. The sound of the burglar alarm would have caused any impulsive burglar to flee.” She recognised Hall’s ‘difficult and troubled’ childhood and gave him credit for being described as hard-working and loyal. However, she said Hall had made any court order unworkable and sentenced him to immediate custody. He was also placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years and given a restraining order preventing him from contacting or going within three miles of the family home. As he was led away, Judge Matthews said to Hall: “You go near this family again and you will go back before this court and will be unlikely to trouble anyone for a long time.” Following the sentencing, Detective Inspector Sean Kelly from East Surrey CID described Hall as a ‘predatory individual’. “His offending has had a devastating impact on the victim and her family and I would like to praise them for their courage and support,” he said. A statement from the girl’s family read: “We welcome the custodial sentence imposed by the court but are aware we will have to remain vigilant in the future, upon his release. “His actions have left the family with a sense of unease and distaste that we all have following his invasion into our home and lives.”