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Photo of Abuser Stephen Webb in the Red Rose Database

Stephen Webb

Redruth Sexual Abuser

February 2019 Serial sex offender jailed for attempted rape of paralytic 16-year-old girl Stephen Webb, 35, of Appin Gadens, Redruth, was introduced to the victim and her boyfriend by a friend and then plied the teenagers with vodka and energy drinks, continually topping up their glasses throughout the night, Truro Crown Court heard. The victim, who was barely 16 at the time of the crime in 2015, then became ill and vomited in the toilet before returning to the room where they had gathered only for Webb to continue to supply her with alcohol. Prosecuting Webb, Jo Martin, said at the sentencing hearing: “The victim went back to the bathroom and Webb followed her, pulled down his trousers and attempted to get her to touch his genitals and then began to kiss her. “She was still unwell and asked to lie down. He then entered the room, shut the door and laid with her before lifting up her top and bra and licking her breast.” Webb tried to force her to perform oral sex. During the ordeal the victim’s boyfriend knocked on the door to check on her, Webb telling him that they had not yet finished chatting while she was still unable to process what was happening. Ms Martin added that the victim then began to come around, pushing him away and screaming for help from her boyfriend who then rushed to her aid. The crime was immediately reported to the police by the couple and a DNA swab found traces of Webb’s semen on her skin. The court was told of Webb’s lengthy record of similar offences including sexual assault, indecent assault and exposure. The crime also placed in him breach of a 12-month suspended sentence for sexual assault issued seven months previously. Sentencing Webb, Judge Simon Carr said he had no doubt that alcohol was provided to aid a sexual assault on a young girl and that the intervention of others was the only thing that stopped the attempted rape from progressing. “You have a disturbing record for similar offending and clearly pose a high risk to women,” he said. Judge Carr sentenced Webb to nine years in prison, of which he must serve at least two thirds, with a further five years extended period on license. He was also told that he must sign the sex offenders register for life.

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