September 2019 Woman who attacked Wellingborough schoolchildren given community order A woman who randomly assaulted children leaving a Wellingborough school has been spared jail. Helen Gray, of no fixed abode, admitted assaulting 13 victims in Brickhill Road including children leaving Weavers Academy on the afternoon of November 20 last year. At Northampton Magistrates’ Court Gray, 37, was handed a community order with drug rehabilitation and mental health treatment requirements. She was ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £85 but none of her victims will receive compensation because of her limited means. When she admitted her guilt investigating officer Detective Constable Paul Lilley, of the child protection team at Northamptonshire Police, said: “This was an unprovoked attack on children as they were leaving school, and a situation where they should have been safe. “The incident caused a lot of upset for those involved, as well as within the school community and the wider area. “I would like to thank Weavers Academy for their support in this case, and also the numerous victims who were brave in supporting the police in dealing with Gray.”