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Photo of Abuser Dale Jones in the Red Rose Database

Dale Jones

Buckley Sexual Abuser

December 2010 Buckley man jailed for inciting schoolgirls to engage in sex acts A PERVERT has been jailed after inciting two girls aged just nine and 13 to engage to sex acts over the internet. Dale Andrew Jones was at his laptop with a webcam at his home in Buckley so that he could see the children, at their home in Leicestershire. He told them they were ‘sexy’ and how he fancied them, he spoke to them in a lewd and obscene way and got the girls to remove their clothes. Jones, 21, of Overleigh Drive, admitted incitement following the incident in July 2009 and was jailed for 16 months by Judge Niclas Parry at Mold Crown Court this week. Judge Parry said that young children required the protection of the courts. “They were clearly innocent. They are no longer so,” he said. Jones was also ordered to register with the police as a sex offender and he was made the subject of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) to curb his future activities. “You have admitted nothing short of the sexual abuse of young girls … for no other reasons than for your own gratification,” the judge added. Prosecutor Matthew Curtis told how Jones told one of the girls he loved her and that he loved watching her take her clothes off and made numerous indecent suggestions. Jones initially denied the allegations. But when police found records of the conversations on his laptop, he admitted everything. Andrew McInnes, defending, said his client was ashamed of his actions and was remorseful.

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