June 2015 A young man who sexually touched two young girls is to be sentenced by a judge at Carlisle Crown Court. Joseph William Bradley entered guilty pleas to three offences when he appeared before magistrates in Carlisle yesterday morning. Prosecutor John Moran said the offences came to light after one of the girls, who was eleven at the time, became distressed and told her parents. Bradley, of Lyndhurst Gardens, Morton, Carlisle, committed two of the offences in 2011 and one in October of last year, magistrates heard. Mr Moran described how the second offence involving the same girl when she was just eight years old came to light after Bradley confessed it to his parents. “He confirmed exactly the same thing had occurred when the girl was a lot younger,” said Mr Moran. “She pushed his hands away.” Bradley went on to admit a third similar offence against another girl, who was aged 11 or 12. “He said he had watched adult pornography and this caused problems for him, though he had never seen any indecent images of children. “He knew the girl was 11 or 12 at the time and he knew that it was wrong to touch girls for sexual gratification if they were as young as these girls.” Anthony Wilson, for Bradley, said: “He admits that he wanted to get this off his chest. “He feels guilty. He knows he’s done wrong.” Presiding magistrate Marcia Reid Fotheringham said that the bench felt their sentencing powers were not sufficient for the case so Bradley would be sentenced at crown court by a judge. He will be sentenced on July 10. In the meantime, background reports will be prepared and he must sign the Sex Offenders Register, and the period for which his name remains on it will be determined by his ultimate sentence. Bradley, who was supported in court by his family, was granted bail.