March 2006 Prisoner kept calm by gay porn A convicted paedophile has been issued with gay porn by a psychologist at the top security Broadmoor prison hospital,(pic below) a tabloid has claimed. John Leather, 47, was reported to have been given pictures of naked and aroused men in an attempt by medical experts to keep him calm in his room. The pornographic calendar caused jealousy amongst inmates at Broadmoor prison where pornography is banned. The prisoner was stabbed by another convict over the issue A source told the Sun that Leather, who was jailed for abducting a 15 year old boy after serving time for 13 child assaults, was unfairly given special treatment : “Leather claimed because of his sexuality he should be able have gay porn. He was given the go-ahead to have 24 pictures.” “It is outrageous a paedophile has been given special treatment over other patients.” A Broadmoor spokesman said: “We will be looking into this matter.” A Home Office spokesperson told ” Only pornography found in everyday shops can be sent in, no hardcore porn is allowed, but it is always at the discretion of the governor.” December 2005 FURY OVER PAEDOPHILE AT HIS FATHER’S FUNERAL A HIGH-SECURITY prisoner attended his father’s Carlisle funeral – and city police knew nothing about his visit. During the two-day trip John Leather, believed to have abused hundreds of children, was allowed to roam Carlisle crematorium without restraint. Leather, 47, was sent to the Broadmoor secure hospital in Berkshire in 1993. His visit to Cumbria is thought to have cost the taxpayer around £1,000. Yesterday, chief inspector Mark Graham of North Cumbria police said he had not been made aware of the visit. Cumbria’s Child and Adult Protection Unit, who deal with paedophiles, had also not been informed. Leather arrived in the county on Thursday night and spent a night at a secure unit in Carlisle. On Friday he attended the service at the city’s crematorium on Dalston Road before setting off on his return journey. A spokesperson from Broadmoor said that although Leather was not cuffed, he was under supervision at all times. They also said it was standard procedure to allow patients compassionate leave – such as when Yorkshire ripper Peter Sutcliffe visited Cumbria to see the site of his father’s ashes at Arnside. Sutcliffe remained cuffed to a nurse at all times. Leather’s visit has been slammed by critics, including Hugh McKinney of the National Family Campaign, who said: “It’s outrageous he was even allowed out. “But to see him at large without handcuffs on will send a chill down every parent’s spine.”