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Photo of Abuser Dean Mannifield in the Red Rose Database

Dean Mannifield

Warrington, Cheshire Animal Abuser

CONVICTED (2021) | Dean Mannifield (aka Dean Pitts), born c. 1993, originally from Warrington but is of no fixed abode and has links to Colchester, Harlow and Epping in Essex and Rhyl, North Wales – battered a dog during a burglary, causing injuries so severe she had to be put to sleep Dog killer: Dean Mannifield’s long criminal record includes a horrific act of violence towards a helpless animal In July 2017 violent career criminal Mannifield was charged with causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. The charges related to a dog that had been beaten so severely she had to be euthanised by a vet. Mannifield was also charged with assaulting a couple, threatening three people at the scene and also threatening to cause criminal damage. It is believed that he was convicted on some if not all of the charges including the animal cruelty charge, but there are no newspaper reports to confirm this. As of February 2021 and aged just 27 Mannifield had racked up 18 previous convictions for 47 offences with his other crimes including harassment, breach of a restraining order and affray against an ex-partner. In February 2021, he was back before the courts again after subjecting a young mum to months of sickening domestic violence. He also admitted breaking into a gun shop in Colchester during which he stole seven hunting shotguns. He was jailed for five years and ten months and given an indefinite restraining order preventing him from contacting his victim. He will serve half of his sentence in custody before being released on licence.

Other Abusers in Warrington, Cheshire