April 2022 Birchwood paedophile jailed after sexually abusing child A man who once complained to a newspaper about living next door to a paedophile has been jailed - for being a paedophile. Darren Higham did an interview with the local press, and told them that he was ‘furious’ about living next door to the sex offender, but he is now behind bars himself for sexually abusing a child over a period of four years. He subjected a child to horrific sexual abuse from the age of seven until she was around 11. The abuse ranged from kissing and touching the child to forcing her to perform sex acts on him on more than one occasion. Higham, of Chaffinch Close, Birchwood, appeared before Liverpool Crown Court on Tuesday after pleading guilty to four counts of sexual assault of a child under 13 and inciting a girl under 13 to engage in sexual activity. The 53-year-old’s sick offending came to light when he was spotted with the victim, said prosecutor David Watson. Mr Watson said how the person who saw them felt like something ‘wasn’t right’ so contacted social services. The victim later told her mum that she had been sexually abused by Higham for ‘ages’. The child told the police how Higham, a self-employed musician, used to kiss her and put his penis on her and recalled on one occasion how he had touched her. She also told them how he asked her not to tell anyone about the abuse as it would mean he would be sent to prison. The court heard how the victim said this made her feel scared and sometimes she would pretend to be tired and fall asleep so he would stop. When these allegations were put towards Higham, he self-harmed and was hospitalised but was later interviewed by police and admitted to the abuse. He told officers that ‘something triggered’ inside of him but he told them he had no sexual interest in children. Mr Watson read out a statement from the victim’s mother who claimed the sexual abuse committed by Higham has had a ‘massive’ impact. The statement said that the victim sometimes feels unloved and is undergoing counseling and trauma therapy as a result. Higham was handed a four-year prison sentence, issued with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years and is subject to a restraining order for 10 year