May 2018 Mum boots pervert off bus after spotting him pleasuring himself near teenage daughter A drunken pervert was ordered off a bus by a furious mum who spotted him pleasuring himself near her teenage daughter. Thomas Rose, 60, had drunk 10 pints of beer in city centre bar McCooleys before getting the bus where he smiled at the woman “with a creepy look” on his face. Rose later claimed he had no memory of the disturbing incident and said he had been drinking heavily since losing his brothers and a niece. He was ordered to sign the sex offenders register for five years and handed 200 hours unpaid work at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court today after admitting indecent exposure. Andrew Page, prosecuting, told the court the woman, her daughter and her daughter’s friend were travelling home from Liverpool ONE bus station at around 10.50pm on September 8 last year. He said: “Mr Rose was seated alone directly to the left of the daughter and her friend. “It was night time but the bus was fully lit and illuminated. “About 15 minutes into the journey (the mum) noticed Mr Rose looking towards them smiling at them with what she described as a creepy look on his face.” Mr Page said Rose would look away when he saw the woman looking but she noticed him staring at them five or six times. However she then noticed he had his trousers unzipped, and was playing with his exposed genitals. Mr Page said: “She felt disgusted, shocked and distressed and went to the bus driver, telling him to stop. “She went back to Mr Rose and said ‘get off the bus you dirty little pervert, get off the bus now.” Rose then picked up his trousers and left, while the victims reported the matter to police. However due to a lack of CCTV Rose was not apprehended until the same woman spotted him staring at them again around four weeks later on the same bus. Rose attempted to move when he saw he had been recognised but police were called and he was arrested, with officers noting his trousers were unzipped. The court heard Rose, of Warrington Road, Prescot, did not challenge the account of the victims and accepted he had committed the offences. Chris Mantle, prosecuting, told the court: “He will approach his 61st birthday later this year with no previous convictions or cautions. “He is deeply embarrassed that this has occurred and he cannot explain why he would behave in that way.” Rose was ordered to complete 25 rehabilitation activity days with the Probation Service and was ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and an £85 victim surcharge.