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Photo of Abuser Terence Garnett in the Red Rose Database

Terence Garnett

Southsea Sexual Abuser

February 2009 Pervert jailed after ex-wife finds child porn hidden in attic A mother reported her ex-husband to the police when she found a stash of child pornography in her attic. Sandra was in the process of getting a divorce from Terence Garnett when she made the shocking discovery. Mrs Garnett came across several printed pictures of children being sexually abused in July 2007 when she was rummaging through Garnett’s belongings. Garnett, 51, had asked her to find some documents he said he needed which he had left in the attic. When Mrs Garnett found the images she called the police and Garnett was arrested at his workplace. Police seized Garnett’s computer and the machine was sent away for forensic examination. Officers found more than 2,000 indecent images of children. Hundreds of the pictures showed youngsters under the age of 13 being seriously sexually abused. In interview Garnett admitted he had printed off pornographic material out of curiosity. He said that he had not used his credit card to pay for indecent images and said he did not think he had done anything wrong. Garnett told officers he had no sexual interest in children At Portsmouth Crown Court Garnett, of Ruskin Road, Southsea, was jailed for a total of 26 weeks. He is likely to serve half the term behind bars before he is released in to the community on licence until the sentence expires. Judge Ian Pearson said: ‘This was a substantial quantity of pornography involving children ‘The vast majority of the material is in respect of children under 13. ‘People in your position add to the misery of the victims. ‘Without customers like yourself people who make the images would not make a living. ‘Only an immediate custodial sentence can be justified in this case.’ Police praised Mrs Garnett’s actions. Detective Constable Jamie Collins from Waterlooville CID said: ‘This was a particularly courageous decision for Mrs Garnett to make – especially as it was her ex-husband ‘She knew it was the right decision and we are very grateful to her for making the right decision to report it to us.’ Garnett admitted 26 counts of downloading indecent images of children and two counts of possessing indecent images of children. Judge Ian Pearson ordered that Terence Garnett should remain on the sex offenders register for the next seven years. This means he will have to notify the police if he changes his name or changes address. If he fails to comply with the notification requirements of the register he can be sent to prison. The maximum sentence for failing to notify police of a change or address or name is five years’ imprisonment.

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