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Photo of Abuser Steven Worley in the Red Rose Database

Steven Worley

Bushey Sexual Abuser

march  2011 Northwood man found with 600 child pornography films spared jail A MAN from Northwood who was discovered with more than 600 child pornography films has escaped a prison sentence. Steven Worley tried to hide one of his computer hard drives by sitting on it under a cushion, when police raided his home in November 2009. St Albans Crown Court heard on Friday (18) that police seized a laptop and two hard drives. The 55-year-old, who was living in Bushey, near Watford, at the time of the raid, admitted 12 counts of downloading child sex abuse images; two counts of possessing indecent images of children, and a further count for possessing extreme pornography, involving an adult and a fish. Prosecuting, David Chrimes told the court 31 films were at level five – the most serious. More than 300 were level four, with 40 at level three, 100 at level two and 133 at level one. Police found one level five image, seven level four images, 12 level three, two level two, and 21 level one pictures. Defending Mark Kimsey told the court Worley, who is previously of good character, wanted to “address his behaviour”. Judge Stephen Gullick gave Worley a three-year community order with a condition that he participates in a sex offender’s programme. He is also subject to a 15-year order restricting his contact with children, and must sign the sex-offenders register for five years. Sentencing, the judge told Worley: “You had the good sense to plead guilty at an early stage. “The appropriate thing to do is to take a course of action I hope will turn you away from using this material again.”

Other Abusers in Bushey