Beardsley was given a indeterminate sentence May 2006 Paedophile guilty of attacks on two girls A Paedophile is facing life in prison after being convicted of the repeated sexual assault of two children. Roy Beardsley, formerly of Nottingham, raped one girl after being released from a previous sentence for indecently assaulting a 12-year-old girl. The 42-year-old was yesterday found guilty by a jury at Derby Crown Court of repeatedly raping and indecently assaulting one girl and raping another girl from the late 1990s until his arrest in July last year. He showed no emotion as the jury returned guilty verdicts on 12 charges and acquitted him of two charges of indecent assault and four of rape against a third girl. In 1993, when living in Nottingham, he was jailed for three years after admitting three counts of indecent assault and asking for 269 offences of making off without payment, theft and stealing vehicles to be taken into consideration. Beardsley, who has also lived at various addresses in Derby, was caught on that occasion after a hotelier spotted he had checked in under a false name – that of Hollywood star Jason Robards. Caroline Bradley, for Beardsley, told the court after yesterday’s verdict that he faced an indeterminate sentence because of his previous convictions.