August 2002 SNARED: THE EVIL PERVERT PREYING ON THE INTERNET AN evil paedophile who cruises internet chatrooms to seduce young girls has been trapped by the Sunday Mirror. Within just seven minutes of going on-line an undercover reporter – posing as a 12-year-old girl – was “befriended” by sick Paul Wolf. Wolf works at the very heart of Government for the Foreign Office and boasts of meeting Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and his predecessor Robin Cook. The 49-year-old civil servant invited the girl to his home and confessed that he wanted to expose himself and commit lewd acts with her. And just 16 hours later – 2.30pm yesterday – the pervert turned up for a meeting just a few minutes from his North London home – and attempted to lure her back to his house in Crouch End, North London . Wolf’s depraved behaviour came just one hour before a police reconstruction of the last known movements of missing friends Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. investigation began at 10pm on Friday night when an undercover reporter entered a private chatroom called Schoolgirls accessed through internet giant AOL. Posing as a young girl called Fiona Shy, our investigator was among dozens of “teenagers” chatting innocently about music, football and sport. But within seven minutes Fiona fell prey to a sexual predator we later discovered was Paul Wolf. Those few minutes provide a graphic and terrifying example of the dangers faced by thousands of children across Britain and lays bare the cynical tactics employed by internet perverts. Brazenly Wolf boasted of his position as a civil servant, clearly hoping to impress his young “prey”. Believing he was talking to a 12-year-old, Wolf lost no time broaching indecent subjects. Having learned our investigator was a “shy” girl, Wolf replied: “I am not exactly shy, just afraid of getting things wrong and saying the wrong things.” In reply to Fiona’s innocent remark that she did not mind if he used bad language, Wolf added: “I wasn’t meaning swear words. I just thought that were I to talk to you sexually..I do not wish to offend.” He went on: “I’d like to chat about exciting things – I love to chat about private things too…dare I say it, private things, with people with whom I can be friends.” Then Wolf said: “You may ask me anything about myself. I hope I can do the same with you. I had no sex education at school. I had to find things out for myself.” He added; “I am quite certain you know more about sex than I did at your age. I was 16 before I was seen naked. It has been 10 years since I was last seen so.” Fiona then replied that schoolyard talk stopped well short of nudity, but there might be a red-faced giggle at boys who brag about the size of their “willies”. Wolf then said: “Very few boys/ men are really that big. This might be a risky thing for me to say because of our age difference – but I wish I could help you in this way (a first sight of a naked man). “I would very much like to be naked for the right female and perhaps do certain things for her, but as you say, how? Possibly by meeting up sometime.” Wolf then claimed not to be referring to sexual contact, but quickly gave away his home address and sickeningly offered to teach Fiona about “the birds and the bees”. When Fiona said she was visiting grandparents in Yorkshire and may not be able to meet him, Wolf pleaded: “Come to me at my house. I would pay your expenses and pay for a cab or you to get home.” Our investigator declined his offer of money, but said she would be able to see Wolf yesterday. She added that she lived in Westminster less than 10 miles from his home. She insisted she could not be home after 6pm, but said she would come to his house. Wolf then gave detailed directions. He then asked Fiona for a picture, which she could not supply, and they agreed a chat code of POS (Parent on Shoulder) in case Fiona – now supposedly “snared” – was interrupted by her mum or dad. Meanwhile, Wolf was not the only man attempting to contact Fiona online. As the two chatted she was bombarded by more than a dozen messages from other men seeking the company of children. The greetings from the predators were brief, quickly followed by lewd suggestions. Not to be put off by rivals, Wolf pressed on with his sole objective. “I’d love to treat you like an adult, especially as I have adult things in mind…would you like to see me naked?” He quickly added: “This will be our VERY PERSONAL SECRET.” Reassured that Fiona had not been put off, Wolf stated directly the nature of the acts he planned to carry out. In the interest of decency, the Sunday Mirror cannot print the acts. But if a man was found guilty of them in court he would be jailed for up to two years and put on the sex offenders’ register. After nearly 90 minutes online to our investigator, Wolf admitted he had been turned on by the conversation. He wrote: “Being able to talk and arrange things with you has left me sexually excited…I shall be doing a very particular thing when I go to bed tonight.” Last night the Foreign Office refused to confirm Wolf worked for the Government. A spokesman insisted any allegations would be a police matter. But the Sunday Mirror was put through to Wolf’s direct telephone voicemail at the records and historical department. Wolf, who walks with a limp and has long greasy hair, met our undercover reporter – who is actually 18 years old – at a cafe bar in Crouch End, North London. After arriving in a minicab, he spent 20 minutes trying to persuade her to return to his house. But unknown to him, he was surrounded by undercover Sunday Mirror journalists and photographers who were watching his every move. HE told our girl that he wanted to do “the things” he had made explicit in his pathetic messages on Friday night. Later Wolf was not remorseful about what he had done after we confronted him with the evidence. He said: “I admit I was taking a chance. Morally I think it was wrong. I suppose I am a pervert.” But he insisted; “It’s not my practice to have communications like that with 12-year-old girls. I’d had a few drinks and I suppose it was not reasonable behaviour for a man of my age. What am I supposed to do about it?” He claimed he had not been in trouble with the police before. Asked whether he had any medical treatment because of his fascination with children he said: “No”. He added: “If the world sees me as a paedophile then that’s my problem. I am not denying the conversations I have had. “I was not trying to force anybody to do anything against their will. I was not going to put any undue pressure on them.” Wolf shares an imposing three-storey Victorian house with his younger sister. He said: “I have never been married but I have had a girlfriend – it was a long time ago.” Our investigator “Fiona” said: “He made my flesh creep. He was the most disgusting man I have ever met. “The thought of a young girl falling into his clutches absolutely terrifies me. God only knows what could have happened if I really had been an impressionable 12-year-old girl. “I hope the police investigate him so that he will not be able to try and befriend other children over the Net.” July 2003 A FOREIGN Office worker who tried to seduce young girls in internet chatrooms has finally been sacked – a year after the Sunday Mirror exposed him. Paul Wolf, 49, attempted to lure an undercover reporter – posing as a 12-year-old girl – to his house for sex games. Wolf was suspended from his pounds 20,000 job while the Foreign Office conducted an investigation. He then went on sick leave for six months before being kicked out after he confessed to wanting to expose himself and commit lewd acts with the girl. A Foreign Office spokesman said last night: “We take allegations like this extremely seriously. Our staff are expected to maintain the highest standards. Mr Wolf has been dismissed.” We caught clerical worker Wolf, who boasted of meeting Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and predecessor Robin Cook, after he sought victims in a teenagers’ chatroom called Schoolgirls. Believing he was talking to a 12-year-old girl, he attempted to lure her to the pounds 500,000 house he shares with his sister in Crouch End, North London. When he turned up to meet the girl we confronted him and he admitted: “I suppose I am a pervert.”