May 2006 Treatment for porn man A LIVERPOOL Crown Court judge warned a man who’s lost his family that pornography is addictive. Sentencing the 37-year-old father, at whose home police found hundreds of child porn images, Judge John Phipps told him: “Pornography is addictive – as you have found to your cost.” He also told Neil Gordon: “Be thoroughly ashamed of himself. Those who look at images of this sort are looking at images of abused children and such images therefore involve exploitation of abused children.” Judge Phipps told him that the offences warranted a custodial sentence. However, he ruled the public would be better served by him being treated with a view to avoiding a repetition of his conduct and placed him under supervision for three years with a condition of attending a sex offenders programme. He also banned him from working with children for life and ordered him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for five years. Gordon, of Virginia Road, Wallasey, had pleaded guilty to 11 offences of possessing indecent photographs and eight of making them. Tom Eaton, prosecuting, said that police called at his home last year after investigations into the US-based Landslide web site revealed that he had paid to access child porn. Alan Boscoe, defending, said that Gordon, who has no previous convictions, has already been punished as he had resigned from his job and was separated from his wife and daughter, and now living in a bedsit.