October 2010 Wallsend man used Facebook to target teenager FACEBOOK was in the dock as a judge heard how an internet predator abused the social networking site. Vile Michael Starkey staged a five-month campaign using the site to lure a teenager into seedy sex sessions. The 39-year-old bombarded his vulnerable victim, just 15, with hundreds of sickening messages and explicit pictures after she started a work placement where he worked in June last year. And now a top judge has attacked the social networking site Facebook and claimed security is not tight enough to protect youngsters from online perverts. Starkey’s online activities came to light when police raided the loner’s home after they were contacted by the terrified girl. Officers discovered 5,000 pictures on his computer of young girls Starkey had downloaded from their Facebook profiles. But the predator, of Vine Street, Wallsend, was narrowly spared jail by the judge who said he would benefit from professional help to address his “distorted” way of thinking. Judge Evans said: “This case highlights serious concerns about Facebook and other social networking sites regarding the security they do, or, as it seems, don’t have in place. “These young girls could be completely unaware that someone has access to their pictures and I’m sure they and their parents would be horrified to know that is the case. However, unfortunately, that is the way the current world carries on.” The judge added “it was fortunate” police arrested Starkey before the relationship became sexual. Newcastle Crown Court heard the pair became friends on Facebook shortly after she started working with him. Justin Smith, prosecuting, said the conversations began with Starkey asking her about school but he soon started sending her naked pictures of himself. Mr Smith told how Starkey sent messages to the girl saying “he wanted to have sex with her” alongside other explicit comments. Starkey was arrested after the girl’s friend discovered some photos on her mobile phone. Officers found “amateur” pictures of girls on his computer which Starkey had accessed on Facebook. Even after he was quizzed by detectives, Starkey continued to contact the girl online, demanding that she send him naked pictures of herself. The court heard Starkey turned to alcohol after the break-down of a relationship and started an “unhealthy obsession” with social network sites. Shaun Routledge, defending, said: “His own loneliness manifested itself in using Facebook. The security on these sites astonishes us with teenagers and, in my view, parents should think more about this.” At a hearing earlier this year, Starkey admitted causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, possession of indecent photographs of a girl under 16 and eight counts of possessing indecent images. He was given a three-year community order which requires him to be monitored by the Probation Service, and he must complete a sex offenders’ workshop course. The judge also banned him from contacting any girls under the age of 18 on the internet for five years and also banned him from possessing photographs of girls under the age of 18, without their parents’ permission for the same period. A Northumbria Police spokesman said: “Offending of this nature is taken very seriously. The police work very closely with a number of partner organisations and we want all victims of sexual abuse to be aware that they can seek justice and support by coming forward.