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Photo of Abuser James Thomas in the Red Rose Database

James Thomas

Carmarthen Sexual Abuser

May 2022 Child rapist targeted vulnerable young girls A child rapist who spent years sexually abusing two vulnerable girls as young as five has been made the subject of an extended sentence as a dangerous offender. James Thomas carried out a prolonged “campaign of rape” against one young girl and sexually assaulted another over a six-year period. The abuse started when one of the victims was aged just five. Thomas, aged 42, denied a total of 21 offences including oral, anal, and vaginal rape but was convicted following a trial at Swansea Crown Court. James Thomas, of Mansel Street, Carmarthen, had previously been convicted of: Nine counts of rape of a child under 13, Two of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity, Ten counts of sexual assault of a child under 13  His trial was in March but he returned to the dock for sentencing today  Judge Catherine Richards told Thomas he had targeted and manipulated two young and vulnerable girls and subjected one to what could properly be called a “campaign of rape”. She said having heard all the evidence in the case and having read a pre-sentence report on the defendant she was satisfied that he posed a significant risk of committing further sexual offences against young girls and that an extended sentence was necessary to protect the public. Thomas was given a 24-year extended sentence comprising 22 years in custody followed by a two-year licence period. He must serve two-thirds of the custodial element of the sentence before he can apply for release but it will be for the Parole Board to determine if he is safe to be returned to the community. He will be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. The court heard victim statements from the two young girls he abused in which they detailed the psychological impact the sexual offending has had on their lives including feeling scared around men, feeling isolated, suffering with nightmares and flashbacks, and resorting to self-harming to mask the emotional pain. As victims of sexual offences the females have lifelong legal anonymity. March 2022 Man found guilty of rape and abuse of children A Carmarthen man has been convicted of abusing and raping children following a trial at Swansea Crown Court. James Thomas, aged 42, of Mansel Street, Carmarthen, denied all 21 charges – 10 of the rape of children, including two on a child under 13, nine counts of sexual assault on children and two counts of causing or inciting children to engage in sexual activity. One victim said the abuse started when she was just five years old with Thomas touching her in a sexual manner, with the abuse going on for around six years. Another victim told of how the touching started when she was 11 years old, before Thomas raped her before she was 13. The abuse went on for another three years.   Thomas, a former delivery driver, who was arrested by Dyfed-Powys Police following a victim’s complaint in January 2020, denied all charges and claimed the victims had made up the abuse. But following a five-day trial he was found guilty of all 21 counts.

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