January 2016 Man found guilty of possession of semi-naked pictures of a 14-year-old girl A young West Lancashire man who had semi-naked pictures of a 14-year-old girl on his mobile phone was caught with her in his flat, a court heard on Thursday When police raided Jack Perna’s home in Tarleton they found him leaving his bedroom naked and the girl was inside semi-naked and trying to hide. The previous month, because of parental concerns about her welfare, police had served him with a notice banning him from being alone with her or having her at his home, though this had no legal force, said Sarah Holt, prosecuting. She was particularly vulnerable and he knew her age. Their relationship was “completely inappropriate”, she said. When his two mobile phones were examined they were found to contain a total of 40 indecent photographs, some clearly of the girl and also a video clip showing them in the shower together. 23-year-old Perna, of Ascroft Lodge, Liverpool Road, Tarleton, pleaded guilty to child abduction, four offences of possessing indecent photographs, burglary and being in breach of a suspended sentence for motoring offences. Jailing him for a total of 27 months Judge Andrew Hatton said, “She was clearly infatuated with you and you did not use force but she was vulnerable.” He added that the law was there to protect such girls from themselves. He ordered him to sign the Sex Offenders Register for ten years. Liverpool Crown Court heard that a month before the child abduction in July he had burgled a house in Hesketh Lane, Tarleton. After knocking he just walked into the house while an elderly grandfather was upstairs asleep and the rest of the family were in the garden. He stole items worth £700 from upstairs including an iPhone and X-box games and controller and was then driven away in a VW by a woman. Gerald Baxter, defending, said that the girl had gone to Perna’s home of her own accord that night and he would not contact her again. He had gone to the house where the burglary offence occurred as the householder owed him money which he had been not been able to get back. He had never been to custody before and was genuinely remorseful, he added.