December 2016 Paedophile tried to apologise via Facebook A paedophile who tried to apologise to one of his victims via Facebook has been found guilty of child abuse. Glynn Davies sent one of his alleged victims an online message saying: “Heartfelt apologies” after she confronted him years later. Davies, 56, of The Crescent, Irby, Wirral was convicted of abusing two girls in the 1970s and 1980s. Today a jury at Liverpool Crown Court convicted him of one count of rape and 11 counts of indecent assault. He was cleared of three other counts of rape, one count of attempted rape and one count of indecent assault. During the trial the court heard one of the girls confronted Davies on Facebook in May last year and he responded with an ‘apology’. However, Davies told police he often played games with the girls, in the form of “show me yours, I’ll show you mine”, when they all exposed themselves. Charlotte Kenny, prosecuting, said: “The first woman asked him to acknowledge at least the abuse she was subject to. His response was ‘heartfelt apologies’. “In respect of that Facebook message, Davies agreed it had been sent. “He told police it was a vague apology for the showing of the genitalia, but it was no admission for any form of abuse.” Davies molested the first girl from the age of five or six, until she was around 11 or 12. He abused the second girl when she was aged about 11 or 12. He was a secondary school pupil at the time. The first woman said he had told her she was special and forced her to perform sex acts on him. She said she thought she could not tell anybody at the time because nobody would believe her. The woman said she did not report him raping her when she was 18 because she was worried he might be the father of her child, which a DNA test later disproved. The second woman said Davies encouraged her to play hide and seek before molesting her and making her touch him sexually. Ms Kenny said: “She told the police the game was a bit of a ruse. When you were found things would happen and to use her phrase, “things that were not pleasant”. Davies told police he and the girls had exposed themselves to each other and touched each other’s private parts, but it went no further than that. Sentencing was adjourned until January, and Davies was released on bail.