October 2004 Ageing rocker jailed for having sex with two 15-year-old girls Guitarist Erich Burke, 44, let the girls drink and smoke in his house and impressed them with tales of his ‘racy’ past, Cardiff Crown Court heard yesterday. Peter Heywood, prosecuting, said both girls were regular visitors to Burke’s home and that both had wanted to have sex. He said: ‘The first girl said she had sex with the defendant several times over a 10-month period. ‘It is clear she was a willing participant and she may have taken the leading role. ‘While they were sat together in his living room she took Burke’s hand and led him upstairs. ‘She said she loved Burke and thought he loved her.’ The court heard the second girl said she had been drinking and then went into Burke’s bedroom to have sex. David Martin, defending, said Burke had been a guitarist in a successful band and at one point played on a Top 40 hit. He said: ‘He led quite a racy lifestyle as a pop star when he was younger. ‘He is an accomplished guitarist and has taught many young people how to play but no other such behaviour has been reported. ‘That is something which has required a great deal of restraint on his part on occasions.’ Burke, of Ton Glas, Bridgend, admitted three charges of having unlawful sexual intercourse and was jailed for eight months. Judge Christopher Llewellyn- Jones QC told him: ‘What you were doing was taking your own sexual gratification from these two young girls. ‘It is clear they were willing parties in what took place. But a man of your age ought to know better.’