December 2018 Pervert sentenced for online grooming A pervert who was caught in a paedophile hunting team sting has avoided a prison sentence Duane James Thurstance aged 30, currently from Blackburn previously from Walsall, was on Remand until his sentencing at Preston Crown Court on Thursday 20th December 2018, After 2 previous adjournments, Thurstance pleaded guilty before Judge Knowles QC and was handed the following sentence:- 10 months Imprisonment suspended for for 2 years. Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years Sex Offenders Register no mention. Comply with a Sex Offender Treatment Program. October 2018 Pervert, 30, caught by online paedo hunters A pervert who thought he was communicating with a 13-year-old girl had actually been trapped by online paedophile hunters. Blackburn magistrates heard when the hunters went round to confront Duane James Thurstance they recognised him from another “sting” two weeks earlier for identical offences. Thurstance, 30, of Preston New Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child and attempting to cause a girl to engage in sexual activity. He was sent in custody to Preston Crown Court to be sentenced. James Towey, prosecuting, said the online paedophile hunters had been alerted to the defendant’s Facebook activity by members of the public. He was posing as a young girl called Sarah Dean and quickly made contact with the decoy profile of a fictitious 13-year-old girl. “When members of the hunters went round to his house they immediately recognised him from two weeks earlier,” said Mr Towey. “He was arrested by the police on that occasion pending further investigation. He is due to be charged with those offences this week.” Richard Prew, defending, said the confrontation had been broadcast on YouTube and Thurstance was no longer welcome at the address in Preston New Road.