August 2017 Dad downloaded indecent pictures of children after he became addicted to internet porn A dad has been spared jail after downloading indecent images of children and extreme pornography. Depraved Dennis Williams,54, admitted that he had been downloading indecent images of children for two years. Williams, married with three adult children, told Cleveland Police that he had obtained a USB stick from work to store his collection so that he could hide it from his wife. Prosecutor Rachel Masters told Teesside Crown Court that officers executed a search warrant at his home on May 16 after receiving information that child abuse images had been downloaded there. They seized the USB stick and a laptop which both contained indecent images of children which had been downloaded between May 2011 and the date of the raid. Miss Masters said that there were 25 at the most serious level Category A with 18 moving and seven still images, 10 at Category B with two moving and eight still, and 13 at C, and also 16 images of extreme pornography. Williams said that he downloaded the first child abuse accidentally and he progressed to searching for more. Miss Masters added: “He said he obtained a USB stick from work and transferred some onto it and he hid it so that his wife could not find it, and no member of his family knew what he was doing.” The Recorder of Middlesbrough, Judge Simon Bourne-Arton QC told Williams, who went into the dock with a bag of clothing: “It is often thought that these offences are without victims, they very much have victims. “The victims are the poor children who have to undergo acts perpetrated in the acts in Category A.” The judge added:”For you to say ‘They look as if they are enjoying it’ is a very wild thing for you to say and for you to consider it. “You had no hesitation, unlike some, to accept that you were sexually aroused by some of what you saw.” Williams, of Tennyson Road, Billingham, was given a 10 months jail sentence suspended for two years, 30 days of rehabilitation activities, a sex offender’s treatment programme and citizen’s programme, a ten-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order restricting his use of the Internet, and he was ordered to register as a sex offender for 10 years. He pleaded guilty to three charges of making indecent photographs of children and one of possessing extreme pornography.