CONVICTED (2011) | Oxfordshire dog-fighting ring members Danny Ian Draper (born 02/06/1986), Ian Martin Draper (born 04/04/1964), Laura Kay Borrow aka Laura Saxton (born 17/03/1987), Katy May Davies aka Katy Chapman (born 23/05/1978) Clockwise from top left: Ian Draper, Danny Draper, Laura Borrow and Katy Davies The despicable activities of gypsies Ian Draper and son Danny Draper were uncovered after Ian Draper’s ex-wife Sharon took a terrier named Bridget to a veterinary practice to be treated. The painfully thin dog had been so desperate for food she had swallowed her own collar. The vet tipped off the RSPCA who investigated. At Danny Draper’s home inspectors found several bull-terrier dogs in an emaciated condition. One dog was so starved that he had eaten his collar. Danny Draper is pictured with a dog before a fight All of the dogs were scarred and some had broken teeth and injured tails. Equipment used for training fighting dogs, including a treadmill, was also discovered, along with a video showing two dogs tearing each other apart. More dogs were found at Ian Draper’s home. He was given a three-month custodial sentence in 2005 for similar offences, and was serving a ten-year ban on keeping animals at the time of the offences. Swindon Crown Court was shown footage of one fight in which the Drapers are heard cheering a dog named Ozzy. It was so horrific Judge Simon Cooper asked for it to be turned off after a minute. Officials also found a break-stick with several teeth marks on used to wedge into the jaws of fighting dogs to separate them. The Drapers kept notes of the dogs’ training regimes as they hardened them for bouts lasting up to 40 minutes, on which punters made huge bets. Starving and injured ‘fighting’ dogs were kept in squalor at the Drapers’ homes in Oxfordshire The pair often held practice fights. Their dogs had even featured in a dog-fighting magazine. The animals were trained to attack wounds or the neck and face, often resulting in lips being ripped off. Danny Draper pleaded guilty to five charges including possession of items in connection with an animal fight, while his father pleaded guilty to seven charges. The men’s then girlfriends Laura Borrow (left) and Katy Davies pictured outside court The men’s girlfriends Laura Borrow and Katy Davies were not only aware of their partners’ actions but played a key role in organising dog fights themselves. Davies pleaded guilty to one offence of aiding and abetting Ian Draper. Borrow pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering. Sentencing: Ian Draper was given a 20-week prison sentence and Danny Draper a 12-week sentence. Ian Draper was also banned from keeping dogs for life after he admitted breaching his previous ban. His son was given a 15-year ban. Katy Davies was fined £600. Hornsby was ordered to pay £300 in costs and disqualified from keeping dogs. BBC News Daily Mail Update February 2020 Danny Draper has changed his name by deed poll to Danny Smith. He and father Ian Draper, who both live at 1 Walkers Close, Asthall, Burford, OX18 4HN, are directors of a courier company called Cotswold Couriers Ltd (possibly now defunct). Danny and Ian Draper are no longer with Laura Borrow and Katy Davies and both women have gone on to marry other people and take their husbands’ names. Davies is now Katy Chapman. She lives in Church Lane, Burford OX18 4SD. Laura Borrow was known as Laura Hornsby for a while but is now Laura Saxton. She lives in Moorland Road, Witney OX28 6LT.