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Photo of Abuser Colin Kirk in the Red Rose Database

Colin Kirk

Witham Sexual Abuser

May 2013 Witham child abuse images pervert could face jail A Witham man who has pleaded guilty to two charges of downloading child abuse images from the internet could face jail. As he adjourned sentencing Colin Kirk, 42, of Virgil Road, Witham, until next month for pre-sentence reports Judge Charles Gratwicke warned him today : “All sentencing options open.” Kirk admitted downloading hundreds of images, the majority at the lowest level of one on a scale of one to five, but several at scales four and five. A third charge of downloading four movies at level one was dropped after the prosecution said they were pictures of babies in nappies dancing which had been downloaded from You Tube. Remanding him until 3 June, Judge Gratwicke told Kirk : “This court is adjourning sentence in your case – I make it clear all sentencing options are open.” Stephen Levy, mitigating, said: “Due to levels of the images, I would be asking for a pre -sentence report.” Kirk was granted bail

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