November 2006 Rapist gets 9 life sentences A MORTGAGE adviser has been handed nine life sentences for the brutal rapes of two prostitutes. Former Manchester University student Arun Patnaik stalked red-light districts in Manchester and Preston looking for victims so he could live out scenes from his depraved and sadistic pornographic library. Police also found tens of thousands of pornographic and abusive images, including some sickening pictures of babies and very young children A jury at Manchester Crown Court heard how Patnaik, 31, of Thornton near Blackpool, picked up the first prostitute in Manchester in February, before driving her to a car park where he attacked her. During the 45-minute ordeal she was forced to endure violent and degrading assaults. Two months later he struck in Preston where his victim was subjected to “barely human” conduct. When he was arrested Patnaik tried to hide behind a cloak of respectability. But police found his haul of porn showing scenes copied in the attacks. Detectives also seized a camera he used at work and found photos of his sickening attack on one victim. Enquiries also revealed he was on the sex offenders’ register after being released from a five-year jail term for trying to rape a woman in 1998. Jailing Patnaik for five rape and four sexual assault charges, Judge Clement Goldstone said: “The sheer violence and horror of your crimes defies belief.” Judge Goldstone said Patnaik must serve at least 12 years, less the time he has spent in custody, before being considered for parole.