Hayes’ Park House Football Club expressed its disgust after a dog that had been beaten to death was left behind by travellers File photos. Spaniel shown was rescued from a travellers site in Esholt, Shipley, in 2016 Up to 40 caravans set up camp at the club’s pitches in Barnet Wood Road on Friday (August 17, 2018) after cutting locks off two gates. A spokesman for Park House Football Club said: “Two people tried to stop them but they were threatened with death. “They also said they would set fire to our club.” Club representatives arrived the next morning when “donuts were thrown” at their cars as they endured a tirade of abuse. During the incursion the clubhouse was smashed into and goods taken before police removed the travellers later that day. The club spokesman added: “There was huge rubbish left behind, human excrement and a dog who was beaten to death in a field. The dog was believed to be a terrier and the RSPCA has collected the remains. Meantime, a charity called Friends, Families and Travellers slammed the local authority for seeking a High Court injunction and argued some travellers have no choice but to stay on illegal land. Newsshopper