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Photo of Abuser Stephen Paddock in the Red Rose Database

Stephen Paddock

Bristol Grantham Sexual Abuser

July 2012 Grantham man jailed after downloading 
indecent images A GRANTHAM man who downloaded indecent images of children as young as six-years-old was shopped by a neighbour, Lincoln Crown Court was told this week. Stephen Paddock, who had previously been convicted of an identical offence, downloaded hundreds of illegal images on to his laptop. Phil Howes, prosecuting, said the offences came to light after a neighbour overheard an argument between Paddock and his wife and, as a result of what was heard, contacted police. He said: “The neighbour heard the defendant’s wife appear to accuse her husband of being a paedophile and of looking at images. “The police attended and seized the computer equipment.” A total of 1,928 indecent images of children were found on the laptop together with images showing bestiality between adults and animals. Paddock, 45, formerly of Cheveley Park, Grantham, but now living in the Bristol area, admitting five charges of making indecent images of children on dates in June 2011. He also admitted possession of indecent images between December 12, 2008 and June 20, 2011 and possession of extreme pornography. The court was told that Paddock was previously given a six month suspended jail sentence by Boston Magistrates’ Court in November 2007 for ‘carbon copy’ offences. Judge Sean Morris jailed him for seven months and placed him on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years. The judge told Paddock: “I cannot ignore the fact that this is your second identical offence. A prison sentence has to follow.” Sunil Khanna, defending, said Paddock was supposed to have been placed on a sex offenders’ treatment programme as part of his punishment for his previous offences, but this never happened. He said: “He believes that if he had the benefit of that treatment these latest offences might not have happened. “He left the Boston area and moved to Grantham to make a fresh start. He was trying to deal with matters on his own. “He and his wife had an agreement that he would not go on the internet unless she was present.” Mr Khanna said Paddock accessed a naturist website and as a result he began getting pornography pop-ups which ‘snowballed’. After the offences came to light, Paddock left Lincolnshire and moved to the West Country. Mr Khanna said Paddock has sought help from a charity and has been voluntarily attending a rehabilitation course. He added: “He clearly needs intervention and help with what is a real issue here.”

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