August 2019 Blackburn pervert had sex chat with ’13-year-old girl’ A man who believed he was involved in internet chat with a 13-year-old girl introduced a sexual tone to the conversation. Blackburn magistrates heard Peter Samuel Russell was actually communicating with a police officer. And Peter King, defending, said it was “troubling” that officers had deliberately targeted Russell and made the initial contact with him. Russell, 32, of Cockridge Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual communication with a child. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with a sex offender requirement and 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement. He was fined £80 with £85 costs and £85 victim surcharge. He was made subject to a sexual harm prevention order for 10 years which, among other conditions, prohibits any contact with children. Parveen Akhtar, prosecuting, said police described Russell as a high risk sex offender. He had been in contact with what he believed was a 13 year old girl called Lucy on Facebook and Kick messenger. “He sexualised the conversation and discussed having sex with his girlfriend,” said Miss Akhtar. Mr King said there was no suggestion of sexual grooming or exchange of photographs. “It was a conversation that was sexual in its nature and seems to amount to an explanation to Lucy of his sexual experiences,” said Mr King. “The circumstances in which Lucy came to engage with an adult trouble me,” said Mr King. “What the police did is not illegal but it is questionable. “They have initiated the contact with the defendant. Lucy made the first contact and he did not go looking for her.” Mr King said his client did not oppose the making of a sexual harm prevention order.