August 2007 Ex-boxer jailed for sex assault AN ex-boxer who subjected a teenage girl to an “extremely nasty and humiliating” sexual assault was sent to prison for three and a half years. Relatives of the girl screamed abuse at Patrick Collins, 40, as he was led from the dock at Newport crown court. The court heard how Collins recorded his attack on the girl, who could be heard screaming at him to stop. He admitted sexual assault and false imprisonment. Collins, of Williams Close, Newport, lured the girl to his home by asking her to help him choose his partner’s birthday present, the court was told. He persuaded the girl to dress in his partner’s clothes so he could judge what size to buy and asked if he could take pictures of her so he could show a dressmaker what he wanted, Byron Broadstock, prosecuting, said. The girl reluctantly agreed to try the clothes and a pair of his partner’s tights, Mr Broadstock said. Collins, he said, had a predilection for ladies’ tights. Collins and the girl went downstairs where he assaulted her, picking her up and saying I’m going to do to you what I do to my girlfriend’. “Rather grotesquely he made a DVD of it all,” Mr Broadstock said. The girl fled the house in hysterics and Collins was arrested that day. He denied the allegations initially saying the girl had flirted with him and said she was more sexy than his partner, but when shown the DVD “became flustered” and admitted the assault. Defending, Leighton Hughes said these were grave offences, but Collins had shown regret and remorse. “This was plainly disturbing if not crazy behaviour” he said. “He finds it just about impossible to acknowledge what he’s done. He’s just about broken.” Sentencing Collins after viewing the DVD of the assault, Judge Roderick Denyer said: “This was clearly an extremely nasty and humiliating indecent assault. She was clearly telling you to stop and you didn’t.” Outside court the girl’s grandmother said the teenager’s life had been ruined and the sentence was not enough. She said: “He’ll be out in 18 months. My granddaughter has to live with this for the rest of her life.”