September 2010 Dagenham Caretaker jailed over child abuse images plot AN assistant school caretaker who planted child abuse images on his boss’s computer to get him sacked was jailed for 12 years. Neil Weiner, 39, of Rainham Road North, Dagenham, framed married 61 year-old Edward Thompson in the hope of getting a promotion. The plot led to Mr Thompson’s arrest and his face being splashed on the front of his local newspaper in east London. He was spat at in the street, forced out of his home and continues to be shunned even now the truth has emerged. Weiner was convicted of perverting the course of justice and two counts of possessing child abuse images after a trial at the Old Bailey. Judge David Paget QC said the caretaker’s behaviour was ‘wicked’. Adding: ‘Your reason seems to have been simply that you didn’t like him.’ The court heard Mr Thompson had worked at Swanlea secondary school in Whitechapel, east London, since 1993. The Scot, who used to work for the BBC, admitted: ‘I have a reputation of being exceedingly grumpy, bad tempered and irascible and I admit that is what I am.’ Weiner started at the school in 2005 and had only been there a year when he began planning to get rid of his boss. In June 2006, at a barbecue with friends, he told them he was going to download child abuse images and place it on Thompson’s computer. Weiner was known as a ‘computer wizard’ and managed to find out Mr Thompson’s password while helping him out with his computer. Weiner then made several anonymous calls to police and sent them a CD of indecent images, implicating his boss. Mr Thompson was stunned when a ‘posse of coppers’ turned up on his doorstep to arrest him. His home was searched and 234 images were found on his laptop. In January 2007 Weiner tipped off the East London Advertiser and the story was splashed on the front page. Mr Thompson had to wait eight months before being informed no further action would be taken and he was allowed to return to work. Weiner was arrested on July 4, 2007 and claimed he was being ‘victimised’. He denied perverting the course of justice and two charges of possession of indecent photographs of children. On Thursday September 23 Weiner was jailed for 12 years for perverting the course of justice, and five years concurrent for possession of indecent photos.