April 2015 Already jailed paedophile sentenced for more sex offences A Telford paedophile has been jailed for six years in prison having previously been found guilty of two counts of rape and one count of attempted rape. During his trial, the court heard that between June and August 2007 Mohammed Ali Sultan, 28, attended the house of the victim on several occasions and forced her to have sex and perform sex acts on him. Sultan, who had originally pleaded not guilty to these offences, is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to two counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of controlling child prostitution in 2012, following a separate investigation. Sultan admitted having sex with two teenage girls – including a 13-year-old Following his prison sentence, Sultan, of Victoria Avenue, Wellington, will serve a further five years on license. November 2012 Shropshire paedophile jailed for seven years Jailed paedophile Mohammed Ali Sultan had sex with a 13-year-old girl in his car after taking her to a lay-by and slapping her, a court was told. The 26-year-old married man had first asked the girl to perform a sex act when she was just 12 years old, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told. Sultan, of Victoria Avenue in Wellington, was yesterday jailed for seven years after the court was told of a string of sex-related offences with children and youngsters. He was told he would have to serve an extended period on licence and banned from working with children for life. Sultan admitted having illegal sex with two teenage girls – including the 13-year-old. He was also sentenced for taking a third teenager from Telford to have sex with workers at a fish and chip shop. Judge Michael Challinor told Ali Sultan he had known that the 16-year-old girl, who was being prostituted, was damaged, and that the other two victims were both young and vulnerable. “The harm this sort of sexual activity causes is incalculable. I have seen with my own eyes what has happened to these girls,” he said. Ali Sultan had pleaded guilty to being involved in sexually activity with the 13-year-old girl more than four years ago. He also admitted sexual activity with a second girl in 2009, in the weeks leading up to her 16th birthday, and a charge of controlling the prostitution of a child. Judge Challinor imposed an extended period of licence for an additional five years on Ali Sultan’s release from prison. He was also banned for life from working with children and must be on the sex offenders’ register for life and was made the subject of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order until further notice. Miss Deborah Gould, prosecuting, said the youngest victim met Ali Sultan when she was just 12 when he had asked her to perform a sex act. She refused but later, when she was 13, the defendant took her in his car to a lay-by where he had slapped her and had sex with her. Miss Gould said the 16-year-old victim had been groomed and exploited as a prostitute by two other men who were friends of the defendant. He had twice been involved in taking her to a fish and chip shop in Hadley where she was sold for sex to several of the workers. The third victim was taken into a house in Victoria Avenue, two doors from Ali Sultan’s home. He knew she was still 15 and gave her vodka, cider and cannabis before he had sex with her. Mr Brian Dean, for Ali Sultan, said his client had been ‘immature’ at the time and now faced the shame that these type of offences attract. September 2012 Telford man admits having sex with young girl A 25-year-old Shropshire man has admitted having sex with a 13-year-old schoolgirl in his car. Mohammed Ali Sultan, of Wellington, has also admitted sexually activity with another teenage girl. At Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday Sultan admitted controlling the prostitution of a third teenager. The incident with the 13-year-old girl is said to have happened more than four years ago. Miss Deborah Gould, prosecuting, said the sexual activity with the second girl in 2009 was a specimen of several incidents. The charge of being involved in controlling the prostitution of a third girl was also a specimen count and was one of two incidents between September, 2007 and December, 2009. At court yesterday defence barrister Mr Brian Dean said Sultan of Victoria Avenue, did not seek a social inquiry report and Judge Michael Challinor adjourned sentence. Sultan was bailed.