November 2008 Predator groomed girl of 15 for sex: Five years in jail for 42-year-old market trader A CALDERDALE market trader who groomed a 15-year-old girl for sex was in jail today starting a five-year term. Police found Michael Kane, 42, having sex with the teenager in his van at a remote spot near Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden Also in the van were a 13-year-old girl and a boy of 16. All the youngsters had been plied with vodka, a court heard. Judge Jonathan Durham Hall told Kane: “You devised innocuously, and then more persistently, a method of winning that young girl’s affection and body. I am satisfied you groomed her. “Under the guise of apparent genuine affection, you harboured sexual desires towards her.” After the case Insp Gary Stephenson said: “This man is a predator who groomed his victim. The sentence reflects the serious nature of this crime.” The judge heard that shortly before her 15th birthday, Kane sent the girl see-through underwear with a card that read: “To my gorgeous baby doll. Can’t wait for your next birthday.” Duncan Ritchie, prosecuting, said police saw Kane’s van parked near Baitings Dam twice on consecutive days. When they approached, the two were having sex. They were told to get dressed. No evidence of contraception was found. Kane, formerly of Greek Street, Todmorden, later admitted knowing that the girl, who cannot be named, was only 15. Mr Ritchie said Kane telephoned and wrote to the girl’s mother from prison and also asked for the phone number of the 13-year-old found in the back of his van. Kane, who used to run a market stall with his brother in the town, has a previous conviction dating from 1988 for having unlawful sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl and in 1991 was convicted of child cruelty. Malcolm Nowell, for Kane, said: “He had a genuine if misplaced affection which went beyond the strict boundaries which should have operated in a friendship between himself and someone where there was great disparity in age.” At one point, Kane broke down in tears. Judge Durham Hall told him at Bradford Crown Court: “You have taken advantage of a very vulnerable little girl who has been through traumatic experiences for someone her age. “It is unknown and immeasurable the extent to which your actions will have contributed to the setbacks she is confronting.” Kane, who admitted two offences of sexual activity with a child, was put on the Sex Offender Register for life and banned from working with children.