May 2010 Rainworth paedophile’s jail term is halved by Court of Appeal A PAEDOPHILE who put a girl through a campaign of sexual abuse from when she was just six has had his jail term halved. Kevin Hadden, of Curzon Close, Rainworth, admitted inciting a child to commit gross indecency in October 2009. The 46-year-old also pleaded guilty to gross indecency with a child and several counts of sexual activity with a child at Nottingham Crown Court. However, his eight-year jail sentence was quashed yesterday at the Appeal Court in London. He will now serve a four-year sentence. His lawyers said his original punishment was “manifestly excessive” considering his early guilty plea and his remorse. Mr Justice MacDuff said: “These are serious offences committed on a child, with damaging effects to her. “However, we consider the sentence handed down by the judge should have been reserved for those cases that show different characteristics and gravity.” The court heard Hadden’s crimes began in the early 1990s and came to an end when the victim confided in a friend. October 2009 Rainworth sex offender jailed for 8 years APPLAUSE broke out in court when a Rainworth man was jailed for eight years for sexually abusing a young girl over many years. Kevin Hadden (45), formerly of Curzon Close, was told by a judge at Nottingham Crown Court he had ‘treated the girl in the most disgraceful way’. He admitted a total of eight counts involving indecent touching over 10 years until she was 15-years-old. She then told her boyfriend what had been happening and the offences came to light, the court was told. Hadden had worked in a care home after being made redundant, prosecutor Grace Hale said. And Hadden’s barrister Simon Eckersley said his client recognised he needed help. The victim and her family were in court to hear Judge Andrew Hamilton order that Hadden should never work with children and not live in accommodation where a child under 16 was present without the consent of a court. He will also be on the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.