CONVICTED (2024) | Josh Richards, born c. 2000, and Liam Cottle, born c. 2002, of 43 Balfour Road, Kingsthorpe Hollow, Northampton NN2 6JR – for the horrific routine abuse of a terrorised dog. Only Fans wannabe porn-star Josh Richards (left) and boyfriend Liam Cottle left their pet dog in a state of terror due to constant abuse. Josh Richards and partner Liam Cottle admitted cruelty to the dog, a husky/German Shepherd crossbreed known as Bruno. Richards pleaded guilty to three offences of causing unnecessary suffering to Bruno, through intimidatory behaviour and inappropriate handling between July and November 2023. Bruno was rehabilitated in the RSPCA’s care and is in a new home. Cottle pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to Bruno by failing to exercise reasonable care and supervision in respect of the protection of the dog on three occasions – June 6, June 24 and November 14, 2023. The RSPCA prosecuted the pair after being provided with video evidence showing Bruno being handled roughly by perverted Only Fans exhibitionist Richards. The footage captured him shouting at Bruno, holding his mouth closed, dragging him by his neck and pushing him around. A veterinary report provided to the court stated: “Suffering may be experienced mentally as well as physically. Fear and distress is a suffering emotion. “An animal will display behaviours indicative of suffering which include, body language and vocalisation. ‘ “Bruno’ can be seen and heard to be displaying these types of behaviours on a number of occasions when being handled by Richards. “On a number of occasions ‘Bruno’ remains very still and does not move in posture or position while the defendant is shouting at the dog and/or physically abusing the dog. “This is an indication of learned helplessness and confirms ‘Bruno’ has been subjected to fear and distress on a number of occasions. “‘Bruno’ can also be heard to vocalise in a distressful manner when being handled which is an outward display of fear and/or physical pain.” Depraved Josh Richards’ Only Fans profile. Speaking after the case RSPCA inspector Michelle Hare added: “Despite everything that Bruno has been through he was the sweetest happy dog while in RSPCA care and I am so happy that he has found a loving new home which he so deserved and he can now live the rest of his life without fear. “This incident highlights that it is never acceptable to physically intimidate and inappropriately handle an animal.” Bruno was taken into RSPCA care and has now found a new, loving home. Sentencing | Josh Richards: 24-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months; 20 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days; £350 court costs and victim surcharge of £154. Lifetime ban. Cottle: 12 month community order with 10 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days and 100 hours of unpaid work; court costs of £350 and victim surcharge of £114. Lifetime ban. Northampton Chronicle