November 2013 Judge shows mercy on Exeter teen who abused a young girl A judge has shown mercy on a man who abused a young girl after hearing that he was only a teenager at the time and is no longer a risk to children. Jason Cheshire, 26, abused a girl who was seven years younger than him when he was aged 14 to 17 and the offences came to light after she made disclosures during counselling. He escaped jail after a probation assessment concluded he was not a paedophile and did not pose any risk to others. Father-of-two Cheshire, of Royal Crescent, Exeter, pleaded guilty to four offences of indecency and one of attempted rape against the same young victim. He was ordered to receive two years supervision under a community order and told he must remain on the Sex offenders’ Register for five years. Judge Francis Gilbert, QC, said: ”I am taking a very, very exceptional course. The police have seen the pre-sentence report and support a community penalty with supervision and monitoring. “You made a full confession and have shown remorse and regret.” Mary McCarthy, prosecuting, said the offences happened in Exeter when Cheshire was an adolescent and came to light as a result of the victim revealing them during counselling and going to the police last year. She said the most serious offence was an attempted rape which took place while Cheshire was in a swimming pool and the victim was aged about ten. All the offences happened when he was aged 14 to 16 or 17. Nigel Wraith, defending, said: ”The probation service have liaised with the police and the social services and the overwhelming view of that assessment is that, despite these offences and the problems he had in early life, he is not regarded as a paedophile or as posing any risk in the future.” November 2013 Man admits Exeter sex abuse which date back ten years An Exeter man has admitted a series of sex offences against a young girl which date back ten years. Jason Cheshire, aged 26, admitted a total of five offences when he appeared before Judge Graham Cottle at Exeter Crown Court. Cheshire, of Royal Crescent, Exeter, pleaded guilty to four offences of indecency and one of attempted rape against the same young victim. The offences are all alleged to have happened between 2001 and 2005 when the girl was aged under 13. He denied four further offences of attempted rape and two of sexual activity with a child. Mr Malcolm Galloway,prosecuting, said the offences took place over a two or three year period and the Crown have decided to accept his pleas after consultation with the victim. Judge Cottle adjourned the case and ordered a probation pre-sentence report and released Cheshire on bail after warning him this did not represent any indication of the final disposal.