September 2020 Delivery driver put hands down teenage girl’s shirt A delivery driver put his hands down the shirt of a 15-year-old girl and cupped her breasts after persuading her to give him a massage. Greg-Agapito Bayle carried out the assault in Ottery St Mary. He suggested she give him a joke massage while she was working on a computer. He then came up behind her as she was sitting down and slid his hands inside her shirt, touching her breasts over her bra. She was so shocked that she left the house and the police were alerted after she called friends and her parents in distress. Bayle, aged 49, of Richards Close, Ottery St Mary, admitted sexual assault and was ordered to undertake the Maps for Change sexual offenders’ course as part of a two year community order by Judge Peter Johnson at Exeter Crown Court. He was also ordered to do 120 hours of unpaid community work and put on the sex offenders register for five years. The judge made a sexual harm prevention order banning unsupervised contact with under age girls and any contact with the victim and her family. He told him: ”You were left alone with her and she trusted you completely. You sexually assaulted her and this was doubly shocking for her. Not only was it unwanted sexual touching, but it was done by someone she trusted. “She was distressed and very quickly told her parents and it seems you admitted what you had done to your wife, who apologised on your behalf.”