June 2009 Wirral man who downloaded indecent images walks free from court A FORMER Bromborough man who downloaded hundreds of child porn images walked free from court today. Gary Abbott, 40, who wept during the hearing, was placed under supervision for three years on condition he attends an internet sex offenders programme. Judge Adrian Lyon also ordered him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for five years. Liverpool Crown Court heard that Abbott was arrested in November 2007 after a police investigation, code named Operation Quoran, discovered that from October 2003 he had used his credit card to access child porn web sites. His home was raided and officers seized his computer. When it was analysed a total of 371 indecent images were found on the hard drive, said Anya Horwood, prosecuting. Abbott, who was charged in January last year, pleaded guilty to 11 charges of making indecent images of children between December 2005 and July 11, 2007. The court heard that the images, mainly of girls, were mostly in the lowest category of child porn. David Watson, defending, said that Abbott, formerly of Otley Avenue, Bromborough, has lost his home and his job following his arrest. A series of threats have been made against him and he has been finding it difficult to cope. Abbott, who has no previous convictions, is now living with his mother in Northampton, he added.