June 2010 A TORMENTED sex crime victim last night told how she wants to SUE her mum after she invited her abuser to live in their home Sarah-Jane, 23, claims her stepdad’s brother-in-law Derek Peace, 37, (pictured above) molested her when she was 12. And in a horror twist, Peace was then invited to move in to Sarah-Jane’s family home by her mum and stepdad The perv went on to have sex with her numerous times over the course of a year and was eventually caged for having intercourse with a minor. Last night anguished Sarah-Jane — who claims her mum kept most of the £7,500 compensation given to her — said Peace had sex with her “any chance he got” after moving into her then home in Armadale, West Lothian. She said: “I would have been about 12 or 13 and Derek would have been about 27. He’s a big burly guy. “He knew nobody believed me and that he’d get away with it. My mum started getting Derek to pick me up from school. “He used to drive me to a country park in his car and have sex with me. Sometimes he would do it before I went to school. “One night I was in bed and he got in and he started touching me.” Peace was eventually caught when Sarah-Jane ordered Hall to call the cops. Peace was caged for two years in 2000. But he served only half his sentence and has now completed his ten years on the sex offenders’ register. Sarah-Jane, who tried to kill herself following her ordeal, said: “That guy murdered my childhood. The whole thing just makes me feel sick.” Sarah-Jane, is settled with partner and hopes to win back her own three kids who were taken into care. But her plans suffered a setback this year when she and Greg were placed on probation for committing a sex act in a phone box. Last night Hall, now living in Blackburn, West Lothian, said: “I didn’t know she was being abused. If I’d realised, I’d have protected her.” And she denied keeping most of the compo cash. She said: “I gave Sarah a big chunk of that money.” Pervert Peace, from Fauldhouse, added: “I’ve not seen Sarah since I got out of jail.”