⚠️ Warning: Information is collected from public sources and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Please do not take the law into your own hands. This website is intended to help keep your loved ones safe by raising awareness about dangerous abusers. For inquiries, contact us on our Facebook Page: Red Rose - Expose Them All.

Photo of Abuser Daniel Brown in the Red Rose Database

Daniel Brown

Guildford Sexual Abuser

August 2018 26 year old paedophile rearrested in Guildford Daniel Brown was rearrested after police suspicions about him were confirmed. A tracking tag fitted to him after his release from prison led officers to him. Brown, a former Sussex resident, was still under a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, with strict conditions not to use an internet enabled device or own a mobile phone. A specialist offender management unit were monitoring him and were suspicious that he had violated the terms of his release by buying a mobile phone. They were proved right and when they arrested him found he had downloaded 61 indecent images on to it.  He had been released into Guildford from prison only 2 days before he was rearrested in March this year. Investigating officer Detective Constable Stephen Bosel said: “As soon as suspicions were raised about Daniel Brown’s activity we took quick action to ensure there was no ongoing risk and he is now behind bars. Guildford Crown Court sentenced him on 17th August  to another year back in prison.

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