March 2016 Man had perverted child sex videos on computer A WALTON man was caught with perverted videos of child sex and also extreme porn, a court heard. Following information, police raided Anthony Naicker’s home in Newark Street on July 7 last year and seized computer equipment. The 60-year-old was unwell in hospital at the time but when later interviewed he admitted there were indecent images on some of his compute equipment, said Michael Stephenson, prosecuting. When material on his computer tower was analysed by forensic experts two child sex videos in the most serious category were found along one in the lower grouping and an extreme pornographic video. Naicker accepted they were indecent but asked for the return of his computer equipment as it contained adult pornography which it was legitimate to view, added Mr Stephenson. Desmond Lennon, defending, said that Naicker had no relevant convictions and is unemployed having suffered a heart attack last year. Judge Denis Watson, QC, imposed a two year community order on Naicker, who had pleaded guilty at Liverpool Crown Court to four offences of downloading indecent images. He also imposed a two year rehabilitation order and an electronically monitored curfew for two months between 9 – 6 am. Naicker was ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for five years and a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, restricting his internet use, was imposed for seven years and he was ordered to pay £400 towards the prosecution costs.