A thug who beat his partner with a mop handle in what police called a 'series of abusive acts' has been jailed. Domestic abuser Wayne Clarkson, 53, cut clothing belonging to his then girlfriend with a pair of scissors, police said as he began a prison sentence. Police who brought the case to court praised the bravery of the victim and her family in coming forward to report sickening attacks she suffered at his hands. In November last year, after what police called a night of heavy drinking, Clarkson damaged a TV, threw items around her home and slashed her clothes. He is said to have then assaulted her, causing her bruising and a blood-shot eye. Just days later, he struck her about the head with an adapted mop handle, causing a head injury. Police said a third assault happened after Christmas on December 29, when he also smashed items in the flat and stole the victim's phone. At Manchester Crown Court on Thursday, Clarkson, of Atlow Drive, Wythenshawe, was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison for domestic violence offences of intentional strangulation, assault and witness intimidation. A spokesperson for GMP's Domestic Abuse Team said: "I would like to thank the victim and their family for coming forward and assisting our investigation. Clarkson subjected his victim to a series of abusive acts. Without the victim coming forward and reporting these incidents to the police, we would not have been able to secure today’s sentence. No one should have to undergo any form of physical violence and as a force, we are here to listen to you and are committed to providing the necessary support to help bring you justice. You should ever feel alone in such circumstances and in making contact with us, you are doing the right thing."