Febuary 2001 Sex-shame dance teacher caged A BALLROOM dance teacher who led a secret double life of vice and paedophilia began a five-year jail term for rape today. Terry Smith, 43, was arrested after he picked up a prostitute in a red light district then forced her into a violent sex ordeal in the back of his Bedford van. Police discovered Smith had a history of sex crimes which he kept secret from pupils at his dancing school in Rochdale. He had served a total of seven years in jail between the 1970s and 1980s for sex attacks on boys and was put on probation in 1980 for indecent assault on a girl. At Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester, Smith showed no emotion as the jury found him guilty of rape. He was ordered to remain on the sex offenders register for life. Judge Adrian Smith told him: ”Do not let it be said that this woman is less worthy of the court’s protection than somebody else simply because of the fact she was willing to engage in sexual activity. ”She screamed out in pain and she pleaded with you to stop but you responded by saying ‘Shut up or I will kill you’. She was too scared to put up any resistance fearing further violence from you. At one point she said she feared for her life.” The court was told Smith, of Ethel Court, Newbold, Rochdale, picked up the 33-year old woman in March last year in the town’s Tweedale Street area. Mr Mark Savill, defending, said Smith’s history of sexual offending began just two years after being abused as a boy of 14.