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Photo of Abuser Steven Jessop in the Red Rose Database

Steven Jessop

Hensall Sexual Abuser

June 2013 Child internet child abuse images pervert given jail sentence A Hensall father was jailed at York Crown Court after admitting making and distributing child abuse images. Images included girls between two and ten being subjected to sexual acts at the hands of adults and bondage, York Crown Court was told. Steven Alexander Jessop, 24, downloaded, stored and on occasions shared some of the 6,569 images on the computer in his bedroom at his family’s home in Station Road for up to 18 months. Michael Bosomworth, prosecuting, told how matters came to light during a police raid of the family home on January 14 this year. As well as the images, evidence was also found that Jessop had been in contact with other paedophiles May 2013 Man (24) admits 20 child abuse images charges A man has admitted making thousands of indecent images of children Steven Jessop (24), from Hensall, appeared at York Magistrates’ Court last week where he pleaded guilty to 20 counts of making or distributing indecent photographs of a minor. The court was told that police seized over 6,500 images of children during a search of Mr Jessop’s home on Station Road. The images were of various categories of seriousness, from the lowest-end Level 1 up to the most serious, Level 5 which involves Sadism/Torture/Rape or involving the sexual penetration of a child by an adult Jane Chadwick, prosecuting, said that following forensic examination of the images, it was found that Jessop had been sharing indecent images with other people on an internet chat room-site. Jessop admitted 15 counts of making an indecent photograph of a child and five counts of distributing an indecent image. The offences occurred between July 1, 2010, and January 14, 2012. Jessop was committed to York Crown Court for sentencing on May 23.

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