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Photo of Abuser Michael Doyle in the Red Rose Database

Michael Doyle

Runcorn Castlefields Sexual Abuser

July 2014 Runcorn pervert who flashed two girls on their way to school handed community order A FLASHER from Runcorn who exposed himself to two girls while they were walking to school has been given a community order. Michael Doyle, 31, of Constables Close in Castlefields, appeared at Chester Crown Court on Monday, July 21, after pleading guilty at an earlier hearing to one count of exposure. Judge Nicholas Woodward sentenced Doyle to a three-year community order to be supervised by probation officers and ordered him to attend a sex offenders programme. A sexual offences prevention order has also been made for the next seven years and Doyle was also told to pay £250 towards the prosecution costs. The court heard from John Oates, prosecuting, how two girls were walking down Hilden Road in Warrington on April 26 last year after leaving their homes to go to school when they saw Doyle by a bus shelter. He said: “One saw the defendant standing behind it and looking behind. “He took his penis out which she saw for about two seconds. It shocked and upset her.” Mr Oates added that the other girl turned around and Doyle ‘exposed’ himself and both girls ran off. One of the girls’ mothers then went to the bus shelter to confront Doyle, upon which he fled and she phoned the police. The prosecution added that the age of the girls was an ‘aggravating feature’ of the case. Speaking of the witness testimonies – which also included one from an 18-year-old student – Mr Oates said: “Witnesses say there was no suggestion he was urinating. That was a suggestion he made when he was interviewed.” Jeremy Rawson, defending Doyle, said that his client ‘regrets the hurt he has caused to these two young girls’ but added that the defendant exposed himself in a ‘very limited way’. He added: “How the offence came about is something I struggle to understand. “He regrets the actions he took without thinking.” Judge Woodward, sentencing, said: “There were aggravating features. There were two victims and they were both children. “Without appropriate treatment, you will run a significant risk of committing sexual offences in the future.”

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